In the midst of a challenging year... with mounting demands and stresses... personal, professional, national... hurricanes, school shootings, bombings...
I have not posted in a while. I guess I have not felt the same inspiration to blog.
But on the side... slowly but surely... at times intermittently... I have been working on Joan's legacy.
I guess I was waiting for the perfect time to announce it here. When it felt legitimate. When I had a major milestone to report.
Or maybe I was trying to decide the best way to merge my blog with this new endeavor.
But suddenly, unexpectedly... today... the perfect time presented itself.
I received an email from a woman that I respect greatly. She is a mother, author, pioneer and advocate for perinatal hospice care, and she manages the primary, authoritative source for the most up to date information on perinatal hospice. This website is used internationally. It is the perinatal hospice source.
Today, Amy Kuebelbeck wrote me to inform me that Joan's Reach has been added to the perinatal hospice website as a resource for parents. Joan's Reach is officially included in the list of Websites related to continuing a pregnancy.
I am honored and grateful to be included.
Most of all, it is a testament to the Impact of One Life. Something that never would have been possible if not for our daughter, Joan. Proof of how far one little, brief life can reach. And how much good can be born out of the most challenging of situations. Every life is valuable, and creates more ripples that we can imagine.
What better time to announce Joan's Reach. Though there is still much work to do. We have arrived!